Monday, October 6, 2014
Woah time
Hello everybody! It's been much too long but I just real quick wanted to say that I might be posting another time this week so this isn't my actual post. I know, I know, it's been such a long time and I'm sure all 0 of you missed me. Haha well, I've got to run but my next post will be a BoO review! Bye:))))
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Hey guys, it's Namratha and I know you probably hate me right now for not posting in like ten weeks but I'm back and I'll try to post every 2 weeks, k?
So I'm here to talk about the Selection by: Kiera Cass
This book was amazing. I literally had to restrain myself from reading at night or at the dinner table.
First off, it's a bit romancy. So some of you may not like it.
This book is about a girl who is pretty low in standards but rich in beauty and mystery. She loves her life and is happy with it the way it is, but her mother isn't. She wants her daughter to be something more amazing. So when catastrophic events start occurring she finds herself selected to join 34 other girls in the Selection (which is an event used for the prince of that land to choose his bride), she expects to be thrown out in 2 days. But when the prince keeps America, the girl, she starts wondering: could I really love him? As she goes through this challenging question, she encounters her old boyfriend, who broke up with her and ironically still has feelings for her. Will she be able to choose between love with a royal or love with a peasant?
So I'm here to talk about the Selection by: Kiera Cass
This book was amazing. I literally had to restrain myself from reading at night or at the dinner table.
First off, it's a bit romancy. So some of you may not like it.
This book is about a girl who is pretty low in standards but rich in beauty and mystery. She loves her life and is happy with it the way it is, but her mother isn't. She wants her daughter to be something more amazing. So when catastrophic events start occurring she finds herself selected to join 34 other girls in the Selection (which is an event used for the prince of that land to choose his bride), she expects to be thrown out in 2 days. But when the prince keeps America, the girl, she starts wondering: could I really love him? As she goes through this challenging question, she encounters her old boyfriend, who broke up with her and ironically still has feelings for her. Will she be able to choose between love with a royal or love with a peasant?
Monday, September 15, 2014
DIY Book Accessories: Bedazzled Bookmarks
Hey guys it's Breigh and today I'm gonna be showing y'all how to make a DIY Bookmark that's bedazzled! So I personally absolutely love this and I think it's super cute and affordable.
Personally, since I have like no money haha I just used items I already had, but if you would like to use extra items too, go ahead!
-card stock or scrapbook paper
- glitter
-moge poge
-painters tape
-one medium paintbrush and sponge
-something to cover your work station, like old papers that are no longer needed
First, lay out your supplies and cover where you will work.
After that, take one and cover it with the painters tape, laying it down in diagonal strips side by side. Pull off every other peice of tape and cover with moge poge
Now cover the visible area with moge poge, then glitter.
Peel off the tape.
As you can see, the tape removed some of the color of the cardstock. That's completely fine, and also kinda a part of this DIY. Cover that area with your paint.
It should look like this
Cover with moge poge and you are done! On the right I also did another one with just glitter and painters tape.
This is super simple and I hope y'all love it!
Also, sorry it's Tuesday and not Monday, but I really was just swamped yesterday:( but hey, I love this so yay.
Some people think fandoms are limited to books only *cough*breigh*cough*. I'm just kitten! Anyway, people suppose fandoms are only on a book topic and I am here to inform you about that.
I just realized I make a lot of informal posts.... oh well
Really I'm just gonna talk about types of fandoms lol
1. Music Fandoms
Some popular fandoms include 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, The Vamps etc... But a music fandom can be whatever you're into. Whether you love Elmo's World, or Nirvana, any fandom can be any, generally.
2. YouTubers
Popular fandoms include Tyler Oakley, Our2ndLife, Zoe Sugg, and many more. Can even be a YouTuber with like 13 subscribers. If you like their videos then they can be a fandom if you want!
3. Shows
Sherlock, Supernatural, American Horror Story, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time. So many. Maybe the supernatural interesting attraction makes you cry and laugh. But, that's a fandom.
4. Movies
Movies? Really? Star Wars, Star Trek, The Avengers... I don't mean book movies, okay. (well, the avengers is a comic... oh well)
That's all I could think of. But, anything or anyone you love, a media type thing can be a fandom.
bye frendz :))))))
I just realized I make a lot of informal posts.... oh well
Really I'm just gonna talk about types of fandoms lol
1. Music Fandoms
Some popular fandoms include 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, The Vamps etc... But a music fandom can be whatever you're into. Whether you love Elmo's World, or Nirvana, any fandom can be any, generally.
2. YouTubers
Popular fandoms include Tyler Oakley, Our2ndLife, Zoe Sugg, and many more. Can even be a YouTuber with like 13 subscribers. If you like their videos then they can be a fandom if you want!
3. Shows
Sherlock, Supernatural, American Horror Story, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time. So many. Maybe the supernatural interesting attraction makes you cry and laugh. But, that's a fandom.
4. Movies
Movies? Really? Star Wars, Star Trek, The Avengers... I don't mean book movies, okay. (well, the avengers is a comic... oh well)
That's all I could think of. But, anything or anyone you love, a media type thing can be a fandom.
bye frendz :))))))
Monday, September 8, 2014
So hey guys it's Breigh and this is my first BBT, Breighs Book Tags!
Side note, Macy, I believe I do think that fandoms are not restricted to books for the fact that I am in most youtuber fandoms. Mmmkayyy;)
Let's get started:)
1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Yes, I like reading on my bed. Like, alotttt. I honestly think that being swarmed in blankets with a good book is the absolute best thing ever. And just being swamped around pillows, is just about as bliss as it comes.
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Neither, actually. I am really more of a fan of dog earring. Yes, I know, I am a librarians nightmare.
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or certain number of pages?
I can just stop, I don't need to finish a chapter. Well, it's pretty funny actually, because I will always say like "just one more chapter!" When I know I can stop anytime I want to.
4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
Usually no, because as I said above, I almost always read on my bed and I am terrified of spilling crumbs on there. Sometimes of I'm in public or just about to die of hunger, but I just HAVE to read till the end.
5. Do you watch tv or listen to music while reading?
No, because I just like my peaceful time. If I am in class, and the teacher is playing music, I can read through it, but I prefer not to. It just depends. Although, while writing this I'm listing to music:) I also do while doing homework, but rarely.
6. One book at a time or several at once?
I get really frazzled if I am reading multiple books at once. I am right now and it stresses me out:(((
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
Everywhere. For sure. I don't put my book down for just anyone.
8. Reading out loud or in your head?
Always my head. Fun fact: one of my top pet peeves is people reading aloud me.
9. Do you ever read ahead/skip pages?
Sometimes if I haven't started a book, I will kinda flip through. Other than that, nope. Some of these questions are like really short haha
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Breaking in the spine for sure. I like the look of a well loved book:)))
11. Do you write in your books?
No, unless it's for school, then I might highlight. I do though, book mark the pages with my favorite quotes.
Alright guys that's it for todayyy
{smileeeee today!}
Monday, September 1, 2014
So hey guys it's Breigh and this is your 411 on the words you should know today!
Ex: "Her old age didn't change her pluchritudinous look."
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Book Talk
Friend 1: Hey have you read {insert some book here}?
Friend 2: Yes! Omg I died from the feels in the book! It ruined me
Friend 1: Do you remember when so and so did so and so?
Friend 2: Omg yessss!
Friend 1 and Friend 2: book talk book talk stuff you do not understand feels what is life fangirling omg dead whaaaat
You: wat
Do you ever find yourself in a state where you do not understand what anyone is saying? Suppose you are reading a Direct Message on Instagram or reading a Tweet on Twitter. Words like feels, fangirl, or anything like that. Today, I am here to show you some UD definitions and some of my own.
fangirl (n.)
a female fan, obsessed with something (or someone) to a frightening or sickening degree. often considered ditzy, annoying and shallow. [source]
basically that means a girl is obsessed and won't stop talking about it/them.
the homerow keys. used to describe your feelings at the moment, especially when you don't know how to express them. [source]
it really means you can't express your feelings when a character dies, etc.
feels (n.)
when something emotional happens, and it is hard to express feelings; slang for feelings
all i have to say is; sorry for spoilers
feels (n.)
when something emotional happens, and it is hard to express feelings; slang for feelings
all i have to say is; sorry for spoilers
what is life? (phr.)
1. when a character is unbearably beautiful
2. when something tragic or something unexplainable happens
eg: omg! he died? WHAT IS LIFE?!
fanboy (n.)
a rare breed or opposite of fangirl; a male fangirl
Okay, that's honestly it, have a good day, and yes I am posting on Saturday... do not judge the Macy
Monday, August 25, 2014
chat about upcoming things I will be posting!
So hey guys it's Breigh and today I just want to kinda just talk if that's ok? Anyways I have a ton of new exciting things planned for me to be posting. On Mondays, which are, of course, my day; I will be posting these things plus more. These are all mini series I'm starting so there will be more than one of each of these topics and this along with reviews is basically what you can expect to see on Mondays! I hope to keep these original and true to my day so you guys can come around and be excited for Mondays:)
I think these ideas are pretty new so these are my ideas for my days:)))
(Of course Wednesday and Friday are also pretty frikin cool)
- Breighs Bon Mots
(parodies of songs)
- wonderful words
(the 411 on the coolest words to know for today)
-book Hauls
(cause I'm a horder)
(breighs book tags)
- DIY book accessories
(covers, shelves, markers)
And anything else you guys want to see! Comment any suggestions and I am VERY excited to start these!
Thanks y'all:)
Friday, August 22, 2014
My Relationship With Books
Okay so I think that today I need to explain to you my relationship with my books and what they mean to me because some people are starting to think that I'm kidding when I say that if they mess up my book then I'll squash them into the shape of a book {I'm a very positive person :)}. So here's my post for today, hope you like it!
1. If I let you borrow a book of mine, it means I trust you to keep them clean. Now I keep my books very clean and unfolded, if they are returned to me folded or ripped or sticky, you have been stripped of the title "Trusted".
2. I literally skip a breath when someone tells me their getting me books or tells me that we're going to any book store.
3. I make sure that my books are in a neat order and in the right place everyday because that's how much they mean to me.
4. If, for my birthday or some other event, you get me books that I really wanted, your bound to see an expression on my face that looks like I'm having a heart attack.
So thanks again for reading this Friday, and of course I'll be posting again next Friday, thanks!
I'm guessing you guys have noticed that I post really short blogs…that's because I never know exactly what to post, so please if you think my post are boring then please email us at Thanks!:)
1. If I let you borrow a book of mine, it means I trust you to keep them clean. Now I keep my books very clean and unfolded, if they are returned to me folded or ripped or sticky, you have been stripped of the title "Trusted".
2. I literally skip a breath when someone tells me their getting me books or tells me that we're going to any book store.
3. I make sure that my books are in a neat order and in the right place everyday because that's how much they mean to me.
4. If, for my birthday or some other event, you get me books that I really wanted, your bound to see an expression on my face that looks like I'm having a heart attack.
So thanks again for reading this Friday, and of course I'll be posting again next Friday, thanks!
I'm guessing you guys have noticed that I post really short blogs…that's because I never know exactly what to post, so please if you think my post are boring then please email us at Thanks!:)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Do I Like This Book?
Do you ever have trouble reading because you're focusing on something else while your eyes are scrolling down the page? If it happens often for you in one book, then it's probably too boring, or not a good book for you. You might just be reading it because your friends say it's a good book. You're trying to read it, but it's actually the worst thing ever. Or it's amazing and you're tired. But if you don't know, I'm here to tell you.
Macy's Guide to Good Books
Okay, anyway, here is a guide to good books for you, whether you're 7 or 87, you better be reading a book that's right for you.
So you might be reading a book because it's on some Scholastic Best Children's/Young Adults/Teens/Adults Books of 2011/12/13/14. First you're like "oh this is going to be good since a website that sponsors books likes it." So as you're reading, you're like, "wait what did I just read" and you go back down, because you're so tired of the book. If you find this happening a lot, then it's probably not the best book.
If every word of the book you're reading says something you don't understand, like pother, or captious, or tricorn [source] (which to me sounds like a unicorn with three horns), then you're probably not going to understand it, so yeah, it's not going to be good, because you have no idea what they're talking about.
If you're reading a book that's like then, Billy the armadillo went walking to the forest, and he saw a big, scary monster. Then, you're probably reading your baby nephew's storytime book, or you were bored and picked out some random book at the library and you were accidentally in the kid's section. So, obviously, nope. Stop reading it when you see on many pages, ant, bug, log or anything like that, it's probably going to be in the book jacket sleeve saying "Kid's 3-6".
These are very obvious, but sometimes you may do it.
Next! Fandom books. You read them because they're in fandoms. And that's not a bad thing. You read it because other people like it, and you got interested. Many people think that's somehow a bad thing, but it's not. Anyway, moving on. As you're reading the book, you think it's way too scary, or way too boring, or something. But you keep reading it, because it's a fandom book. You don't have to. Just because everyone else loves it, it doesn't mean you have to. Put it down, it's not the best doing so, but if after the end of the books, you're gonna be like "wow I wasted so much time reading these". So, go along and read a book that is interesting to you, and not anyone else. I mean if you are reading a book, because someone recommended it to you, that's fine, as long as you're interested.
Alright! That's it. I'm not sure if it's (too) long (enough), but my links are below! :)
all them instas
email us!
Macy's Guide to Good Books
Okay, anyway, here is a guide to good books for you, whether you're 7 or 87, you better be reading a book that's right for you.
So you might be reading a book because it's on some Scholastic Best Children's/Young Adults/Teens/Adults Books of 2011/12/13/14. First you're like "oh this is going to be good since a website that sponsors books likes it." So as you're reading, you're like, "wait what did I just read" and you go back down, because you're so tired of the book. If you find this happening a lot, then it's probably not the best book.
If every word of the book you're reading says something you don't understand, like pother, or captious, or tricorn [source] (which to me sounds like a unicorn with three horns), then you're probably not going to understand it, so yeah, it's not going to be good, because you have no idea what they're talking about.
If you're reading a book that's like then, Billy the armadillo went walking to the forest, and he saw a big, scary monster. Then, you're probably reading your baby nephew's storytime book, or you were bored and picked out some random book at the library and you were accidentally in the kid's section. So, obviously, nope. Stop reading it when you see on many pages, ant, bug, log or anything like that, it's probably going to be in the book jacket sleeve saying "Kid's 3-6".
These are very obvious, but sometimes you may do it.
Next! Fandom books. You read them because they're in fandoms. And that's not a bad thing. You read it because other people like it, and you got interested. Many people think that's somehow a bad thing, but it's not. Anyway, moving on. As you're reading the book, you think it's way too scary, or way too boring, or something. But you keep reading it, because it's a fandom book. You don't have to. Just because everyone else loves it, it doesn't mean you have to. Put it down, it's not the best doing so, but if after the end of the books, you're gonna be like "wow I wasted so much time reading these". So, go along and read a book that is interesting to you, and not anyone else. I mean if you are reading a book, because someone recommended it to you, that's fine, as long as you're interested.
Alright! That's it. I'm not sure if it's (too) long (enough), but my links are below! :)
all them instas
email us!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Ranting About "fakes": Book Version
Hiiii everyone! It's Breigh and ok I just need to let this off my chest, kinda like last week when I went on and on about fangirls, I kinda wanted to do a second branch off of that about fakes. We all have seen fakes and unfortunately they exist in fandoms too. For example, what exactly is to be considered a fake fan? Well, by my definition it is someone who try's to act like they know everything about a certain thing; even if they know close to nothing at all. This is honestly perhaps one of the most infuriating things in my thoughts. Now, many people may say that people who listen to audio books and/or just watch the moviesand never read the book are fake fans. This is a little bit tricky to decipher, but I would say that they are a true fan. But they are NOT a reader! This is another one of my pet peeves, when someone who only listens to audio books calls themselves a reader. Haha! You can only be considered a reader if you are looking at the page and reading it with your eyes; or in some cases, fingers. You are NOT a reader if you just listen. You may be a fan but you are not a reader. You are a listener.
Another topic of fakes I would like to discuss is fanfiction. Ah, ol' fanfiction. Personally, I don't read fanfiction that has characters from already made books or real people that actually exist; because I like the authors way of writing the story, not a 16 year old girls way of interpreting it. Now of course I do highly respect those 16 year old girls writing a Harry Styles love scene, but I honestly don't care for it. I don't mind fanfiction that has new characters and new people and a whole new story. That's my kinda fanfic that I enjoy:)))
What a short post today huh? Sorry for all the short posts lately and late posting we have all been extremely busy recently but we try and keep posting for y'all:)
Thanks for reading and putting up with my rant haha I love you guys, I'll see you next week, byeeeee
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Humming Room
Hey guys I'm so sorry I forgot to post on Friday! I was really busy:( But anywho, that doesn't mean I can't do it now right? So I'm gonna review the book The Humming Room. I know, I know you're probably thinking she's just reviewing that book because it's a Bluebonnet! But that's not why I'm reviewing it. I see this title and I think, "Humming Room? What could that possibly mean?" So off I went to read the book! Here's what I think of it:
Roo, a small 12 year old girl, learns that her parents were drug-dealers and died. Roo is put in a foster home with 3 other rude girls but not for long, because her uncle (that she didn't even know existed) claims her as his own. Although Roo never really see's him, she does see a log of his assistant Ms.Valentine and his "maid" Violet. Strict rules are laid down in this house, but does that stop Roo? No, of course not. She finds 3 mysterious things in the house: a strange, humming noise; an undiscovered cousin; and a secret garden. Is it possible that all these things are tied together?
I give this book a 4/5
Thanks! See ya next Friday!
Roo, a small 12 year old girl, learns that her parents were drug-dealers and died. Roo is put in a foster home with 3 other rude girls but not for long, because her uncle (that she didn't even know existed) claims her as his own. Although Roo never really see's him, she does see a log of his assistant Ms.Valentine and his "maid" Violet. Strict rules are laid down in this house, but does that stop Roo? No, of course not. She finds 3 mysterious things in the house: a strange, humming noise; an undiscovered cousin; and a secret garden. Is it possible that all these things are tied together?
I give this book a 4/5
Thanks! See ya next Friday!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Random Book Review+Life Update (may contain spoilers)
Hello, sorry I'm a little late. I was super busy yesterday. Anyway, so this is a "segment" called Random Book Recommendation, which is basically when I really have nothing to talk about so I do a book recommendation/review instead.
Also, you probably do not care about about my life, but here's a little life update. I'm going to cut my hair! I'm going to cut it to my shoulders. I'll probably regret it, but YOLO, right?
Anyway, here's the book I'm going to talk about. (btw, there are some half spoilers, not complete spoilers)
It's a nice cover, right?
Anyway, my rating is definitely ★★★★★. It's an amazing book.
A guy (Phillip) meets a girl (Rebekah). He wants to go out with her, because she's "unconventionally hot". So he goes to church with her, and the awkward thing is he's an atheist. Rebekah wants him to live to her standards. But can he?
Yeah, that was a pretty bad summary I just made up on the spot right there, but it's the best I could remember from the inside of the cover.
Okay anyway, this book will make you definitely feel sad, and possibly even make you rethink your life. Don't worry, no one dies. It's just, you feel for Phillip. So much is happening all at once. His dad, Rebekah, his friends, his coach. A lot of stuff I could probably not handle at all. Well Phillip is handling it pretty well.
Okay, let me state this again, after you just pause the book (which you probably won't), like, stop reading because, you know, you have to do stuff, you'll just sit there and be like,"wow. What is my life." It's hard to read, because so much stuff is happening. It's like, that I-need-a-break-from-life feeling. Yes, this all comes from a book, and no one even dies.
Have fun dying because of a book! :)
my instagram(s):
this is my "personal" and may change
okay honestly that's it. bye!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Books: The Overall Rundown
Ok hey guys it's Breigh, and I kinda just have to let this all out. As you might be able to tell, I am a fangirl. Quite frankly, I feel like people get this idea of a fangirl/ fanboys COMPLETELY WRONG! I say this because I think that a lot of people think that we are just crazy and our obsession for these things, wether it be people or books or bands or anything else of that sort, to be "just a phase" ok ok ok stop. There are TONS of adult fangirls/fanboys and sure on our deathbed we most likely won't be whispering "Tobias marry me!" But that doesn't mean that those people, those books, those bands, those sleepless nights spent reading or listening or looking up fanfictions, will be forgotten. Those are the things that I, and we as a community of fangirls, have built our childhood and teenage years doing. And you know what? When I'm forty with a job and a husband and kids, I will be telling my family about those few books, and band members, and youtubers, and television shows and whatever else, that changed my life. And changed it for good. I really don't think that it's just a phase. I think it's so much more than that.
Friday, August 1, 2014
How To Choose A Book
Hey, guys! So it's Friday, time for another blog post. Today I was thinking I'd tell you about how to pick a good book. Now, this isn't like when teachers tell you to choose a good book, saying that you shouldn't choose a book if it's too hard or do the five-finger-rule. I have a different way, although you might think it's the same way. :) Anywho, let's get on with it.
So first, I suggest you choose your favorite genre, that makes it so much easier to look at books and know that you like that kind of genre so you might like the book, too. As soon as you've got that down then you should look around and read suggestions for the type of genre you like, then maybe after you can order the book or get it from the library.
So this is my extremely short blog post about how to choose a book and I hope you liked it!
So first, I suggest you choose your favorite genre, that makes it so much easier to look at books and know that you like that kind of genre so you might like the book, too. As soon as you've got that down then you should look around and read suggestions for the type of genre you like, then maybe after you can order the book or get it from the library.
So this is my extremely short blog post about how to choose a book and I hope you liked it!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Book Cover and Size Rant
Okay hello hello this is Macy and I JUST WOULD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT BOOKS IN GENERAL OKAY. So, what I'm saying is that people I know judge books by their cover and size. Like, why? Just because its small doesn't mean it's a cheesy kids book or not going to be good. And covers? They might be horribly illustrated or... not appealing, but that doesn't mean you can be like "oh, this must be a bad book because there's kid with overalls on it". Please. Stop. No matter size or cover, it may or may not be a good book. Sometimes the cover is a beautiful view, and you buy it without reading the summary. Please. Read the summary. Maybe the cover has an ocean on it and it's about someone surviving the desert, but you don't know because you didn't read the blob or a couple pages. You grabbed it because it was pretty, but things are misleading.
So anyway, there are a couple books I can name right here. I do have some. (1) The Emily Windsnap series. It has a nice cover, but I thought everyone in it was completely stupid and ignorant, and it was really cheesy. (2) Out of My Mind. Two words. Horrible. Ending.
Two? Yes. That's all I can think of right now, boo-hoo. There are plenty more, but I can't remember right now.
Alright. I hope you could learn from this, because I admit I do judge books by their cover, and I try not to. Anyway, links below!
Twitter-coming soon!
Snapchat-tobiaseatoncake (no spamm)
And email us at Bye for now!
So anyway, there are a couple books I can name right here. I do have some. (1) The Emily Windsnap series. It has a nice cover, but I thought everyone in it was completely stupid and ignorant, and it was really cheesy. (2) Out of My Mind. Two words. Horrible. Ending.
Two? Yes. That's all I can think of right now, boo-hoo. There are plenty more, but I can't remember right now.
Alright. I hope you could learn from this, because I admit I do judge books by their cover, and I try not to. Anyway, links below!
Twitter-coming soon!
Snapchat-tobiaseatoncake (no spamm)
And email us at Bye for now!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Mockingjay Part 1 Teaser Trailer Review
Hello everyone, and yes, it is Breigh. Now I bet you are wondering, "Well why on Earth is it Tuesday and Breigh is posting?" That my friends is because I, (surprisingly enough) do things other than blogging. I was reading, but we'll get to that later. So as you can probably guess by the title of this, I will be reviewing the Mockingjay Part 1 Teaser Trailer! Are we not going to talk about how this movie is literally coming out in November, yet all we have right now is JUST the teaser trailer? Honestly I'm kinda REALLY nervous! Movies coming out in 2015 even have a complete trailer, and this movie is only months away. Well, nonetheless, let's begin!
truth be told, i feel like this is to be one of the best casting ideas they have had so far; except for, of course, Josh and Jen. I feel like Julianne Moore really capture all that Coin is about, fierce, ambitions, and well, a bit intimidating. No one else in my opinion would be able to pull that off.
Also in the teaser, we see District 13 for the first time,
I imagined it with just a tiny tiny bit more light but I do think that the directer did it perfectly. It really captures the whole idea of the underground, kinda grimy, dark conditions.
So that's all I have today!
Sorry that this was short guys, its getting really late here and I am so sleep deprived. Well, thanks for sticking with me you guys!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Septimus Heap Series
So today I thought I would tell you about the wonderous fiction series called Septimus Heap. It's about a boy who, when a child, had been taken by a common midwife because he had magical powers. He lived under the name Boy 412 for 10 years until one day he finds out the truth about himself. Now, his father was pretty sure he was gone but he didn't want to admit that to Septimus' mother, though the mother still had hope that she would find her child. What's odd is that the day that Septimus is kidnapped, Silas Heap (the father) finds a baby in the snow, with beautiful violet eyes and small dark brown baby hairs. They soon find out that the child is a daughter of their late Queen.
When Princess Jenna finds out, she's hurt that they didn't tell her before but gets over it pretty quickly when she realizes that she, her new-founded adopted brother (Septimus), Nicko her other adopted brother (out of 7 brothers in total), her adopted father and the ExtraOrdinary wizard go an adventure to get away from a deadly assassin. Later in the story the Extra Ordinary wizard requests Septimus to be her apprentice. In the next books, Septimus and Jenna face loads of adventures together.
So I rated this series 5/5. I absolutely loved it. I hope I got all the facts right because I haven't read it in a while so if I didn't please send us an email at to correct me!
Well, see you next Friday!
When Princess Jenna finds out, she's hurt that they didn't tell her before but gets over it pretty quickly when she realizes that she, her new-founded adopted brother (Septimus), Nicko her other adopted brother (out of 7 brothers in total), her adopted father and the ExtraOrdinary wizard go an adventure to get away from a deadly assassin. Later in the story the Extra Ordinary wizard requests Septimus to be her apprentice. In the next books, Septimus and Jenna face loads of adventures together.
So I rated this series 5/5. I absolutely loved it. I hope I got all the facts right because I haven't read it in a while so if I didn't please send us an email at to correct me!
Well, see you next Friday!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
My Top 5 Best Divergent Characters
This is excluding Tris and Tobias, 'cause duh. They'd be 1-5.
5. Tori Wu
Tori is totally brave and awesome. She's Divergent, which makes her more brave and awesome. She defends herself and her faction, and is a great tattoo artist.
4. Marlene
She's quirky and laughable. I love her daring sense, even when plastic bullets almost hit her instead of a muffin on her head.
3. Peter Hayes
Okay, I know everyone hates Peter in the first book. But in the second book, he's not as a hey-lets-go-kill-that-person kind of guy. He saves Tris, and that's... pretty nice.
2. Uriah
He's fun and I love him. Uriah was totally awesome, why wasn't he in the movie? He's also daring, as all the above, and I love his personality and sense of humor.
1. Christina
Christina is one of my favorites, even if she kind of was trying to avoid Tris. She's funny, brave, forgiving (sometimes), and... pretty.
alright, that's my list! sorry for the short captions and stuff, i'm kind of lazy today.
(yes i forgot will do not yell at me)
group instagram
twitter- coming soon
4. Marlene
She's quirky and laughable. I love her daring sense, even when plastic bullets almost hit her instead of a muffin on her head.
fanart bc you know |
3. Peter Hayes
Okay, I know everyone hates Peter in the first book. But in the second book, he's not as a hey-lets-go-kill-that-person kind of guy. He saves Tris, and that's... pretty nice.
2. Uriah
He's fun and I love him. Uriah was totally awesome, why wasn't he in the movie? He's also daring, as all the above, and I love his personality and sense of humor.
![]() |
is he portraying uriah? im not sure |
1. Christina
Christina is one of my favorites, even if she kind of was trying to avoid Tris. She's funny, brave, forgiving (sometimes), and... pretty.
alright, that's my list! sorry for the short captions and stuff, i'm kind of lazy today.
(yes i forgot will do not yell at me)
group instagram
twitter- coming soon
Monday, July 21, 2014
Looking for Alaska: Book Review
So hey guys, it's Breigh, and today I will be doing a book review on Looking For Alaska (LFA)!
(The numbers after each statement correlate to a number below which gives more info on what I thing about that)
Some deep thoughts on LFA,
- this book has made me think more than any other on life, death, religion, and honestly, just what happens after. {1}
- Alaska's death was honestly the meat of the story {2}
- Pudge has one of the best character development stories in throughout the entire book {3}
{1} Life is short. I feel like i always knew that but after reading this it was deeply enforced, Alaska Young taught me that on a stronger level. Another thing, death is fast. Too fast. One moment you are here, the next you are not. Oh, and religion, everyone has the option to choose a way to live their life, and religion is a set of rules on how to do it in an way that a stronger person did. After? Now that's all about what you think, and for Alaska, that meant going wherever you would be heading with no regrets.
{2} Ok. Face it. This book would mean nothing without her death. It was all centered around the before; all of the good times they had, and that built up her character so that the after would be more effective,and the after; why she died, how she died, when she died, and the impact she left. Her death was essential toward the book moving forward.
{3} Pudge at the start seemed kinda scrawny and scared and naive and at the end was much stronger mentally yet weaker in a sense. His overall change was actually quite remarkable compared to the others, although I believe that the Colonel was most hurt by her death.
That's my review! thanks for reading:)
Social media links:
Spotify: breighplat
quizup; breighbee222
Well, that's all for today y'all! Sorry for the late post!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Movie Reviews and Introductions
Once upon a time, in a world where people sit around and watch TV, 3 girls emerge from the depth and introduce books to the world, creating a new species called fangirls.
Well, hi! I'm Namratha and I'm one of those girls. Here's a little intro and then I'm gonna get to my movie review. I like reading of course, I love baking and art. And as you can see by my see by my awkwardness I'm not good at this whole introduction thing. So if you start to like what I post, just remember that I only post on Fridays, but I post every week! So let's get to that movie review!
So I'm here to review the movie Divergent. Who liked it? I thought it was pretty good and I liked that they didn't leave out any major details. I thought Shailene and Theo were great together. Honestly, I don't think anyone else would have had the same connection. Other than them, all the other actors worked for their role.
Harry Potter:
Okay, now the first six movies left out some of my favorite parts, but I really liked how they spaced the seventh movie out into 2 parts, because they didn't leave out any important details with that. But you know what I truly wish? That they had used the books as literal scripts for all the rest of the movies.
So for next time just email us what you want us to review!
For personal references:
Instagram: lemonssmiles
For book references:
Instagram: district12demigods
Send emails to this account( requests for a review on books, movie trailers, movies, or comments that you have on our posts! Give me some ideas for what I should review next week!
Well, hi! I'm Namratha and I'm one of those girls. Here's a little intro and then I'm gonna get to my movie review. I like reading of course, I love baking and art. And as you can see by my see by my awkwardness I'm not good at this whole introduction thing. So if you start to like what I post, just remember that I only post on Fridays, but I post every week! So let's get to that movie review!
So I'm here to review the movie Divergent. Who liked it? I thought it was pretty good and I liked that they didn't leave out any major details. I thought Shailene and Theo were great together. Honestly, I don't think anyone else would have had the same connection. Other than them, all the other actors worked for their role.
Harry Potter:
Okay, now the first six movies left out some of my favorite parts, but I really liked how they spaced the seventh movie out into 2 parts, because they didn't leave out any important details with that. But you know what I truly wish? That they had used the books as literal scripts for all the rest of the movies.
So for next time just email us what you want us to review!
For personal references:
Instagram: lemonssmiles
For book references:
Instagram: district12demigods
Send emails to this account( requests for a review on books, movie trailers, movies, or comments that you have on our posts! Give me some ideas for what I should review next week!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Childhood Books (Plus Intro)
Hi! I'm Macy and we're supposed to write intros about ourselves, but I'm going to do both an introduction and a blog post. So.. my name's Macy and here's ten facts about me:
1. I've never had a blog before (that's why this is so... rookie)
2. My favorite drink is the Baja Blast Freeze from Taco Bell
3. My favorite series is Divergent (I haven't read many series, honestly, I usually read normal novels)
4. I watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic... PEGASISTERS RULE!
5. I have a dog
6. I like pizza
7. I eat yogurt a lot
8. I wear sweaters in the summer
9. Harry Potter>Harry Styles
10. I got suspended from Google the last time I had a Gmail account (so fun)
Alright, now you know me. Let's move on to everyone's favorite childhood books.
1. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
So if you didn't read this book as a kid, you're either crazy and homeless or not from America. This is one of the best heartbreaking children's books. Seriously, if you haven't read this, read it now. Even if you're forty-seven, read it.
This Katherine Paterson book is amazing. I love how it's kind of like The Fault in Our Stars, with a 90's childhood feel on it. The characters develop, you start to love Leslie, and then poof, she dies (I told you this contained spoilers). But it truly is amazing because this may be one of the first books you'll read and it teaches you that life isn't happily ever after all the time, and how to handle feelings. So, this is definitely a childhood must-read.
2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
You know when you're reading a series, and then you finish, but the there's ANOTHER book? That feeling is great. That's basically Harry Potter. Well, at least up until the last book (boohoo). This is the best series of all time, according to everyone. This isn't a childhood series, this is an everyone series. Read it. I admit, I haven't read the whole series, but it's definitely going to be great.
3. Charlotte's Web E.B. White
I love this book! With Wilbur, Charlotte and the other quirky and amazing talking animals. This book is soo logical right? Well, it was a dream as a kid for animals to talk, and White's book made this happen, pretty much. Of course, someone ( or something) had to die, or this wouldn't be a book. And again, if you haven't read this book, you're cookoo. It's great how Fern (the girl) develops a lot of feeling to the animals. We all love puppies, don't we?
You'll definitely cry in this. One of the all-time classics, even for people who are over 60.
4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl definitely has some crazy and quirky books, as of where things could never happen in real life. His books feature fat, greedy kids, giant peaches and mixed-up medicine. But I guess that's what make his books so great! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a good book to start of with if you're planning to start his books.
The weird kids in the book definitely make up his books, and this has the weirdest one. Violet, who is spoiled and has a chewing gum record, Augustus, who loves chocolate and is quite obese, Mike who is obsessed with video games, gets what he wants and kind of scares me. Veruca who is... no words. No words at all. But then there's good old Charlie who's kind of the normal one.
And why forget Willy Wonka? He's slightly wack and seems to think everything is normal. Oh, and he's edible.
If you haven't read this book, hopefully this description of characters will make you want to.
5. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
It's ok of you haven't heard of this book, because it's not well known, but a good book.
Indian tribes. Yes. Indian tribes.
Karana is definitely a brave, young girl, who really represents none of us, because if I had to live on an island for 12 years, well I'd die on the 3rd day. SO Karana is definitely awesome. Handling, her brother and dog dying, being like whoa, I'm like alone is totally brave. She is definitely Dauntless. And the ending has a nice happily ever after, which isn't sappy. It's like in the 1600's, why would it be sappy? But this is an awesome book, and it has a sequel too, called Zia. The summary is kind of ridiculous, but I guess I'll read it?
Alright, thanks for reading my first every blog post. Now all you can do is read Breigh's blog and Namratha's up coming posts. Byee!
Instagram (i'll accept you, just be active or i'll block you probably)
Twitter is soon to come!
Snapchat: tobiaseatoncake (please don't send me one million snaps)
That's it! Byeeeeeeee
Monday, July 14, 2014
Blogger Intro's: Learn About Who We Are!
Hey guys, it's Breigh; and today for my first blog post, I want to tell you a bit about myself and the blog itself.
So I am Breigh and I post on Mondays. I figure we need a little name for these Mondays with Breigh, so comment your ideas! Maybe something like 'Breigh's Book Mondays'? You guys tell me!
A bit about myself would include: I am obviously an avid reader, I LOVE cats, pizza is an addiction of mine, and I like galaxy prints.
This blog is really simply about books. Anything you can think that might relate to books, we will post it here. Like movie and trailer reviews, book reviews, cover release reviews, parodies of songs transformed into book-ish songs, and that's just a few of the ideas we have. Leave some suggestions in the comments of whatever else you would like to see from us! We will include our personal social media links below, including the Instagram account that we all collectively own.
Social media links:
Instagram, personal: @breighbee222, group account:@district12demigods
Spotify: breighplat
Pintrest: breighplat
Spotify: breighplat
Pintrest: breighplat
wattpad: readtolive222
quizup; breighbee222
quizup; breighbee222
Well, I love you guys and happy reading!:)
Saturday, July 12, 2014
New Blog!
What is a book?
(n.) a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
A very accurate definition.
But there's more to glued pages and ink than that.
To us, it means:
1. uniquely portable magic
2. escape into a different life
Wait, you don't know us. Who are we?
Well, we're three obsessive girls, otherwise known as fangirls.
Breigh posts on Mondays. Macy posts on Wednesdays. Namratha posts on Fridays. We're gonna start posting next week. See you then!
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