Monday, September 15, 2014

DIY Book Accessories: Bedazzled Bookmarks

Hey guys it's Breigh and today I'm gonna be showing y'all how to make a DIY Bookmark that's bedazzled! So I personally absolutely love this and I think it's super cute and affordable. 
Personally, since I have like no money haha I just used items I already had, but if you would like to use extra items too, go ahead! 

-card stock or scrapbook paper
- glitter 
-moge poge
-painters tape
-one medium paintbrush and sponge
-something to cover your work station, like old papers that are no longer needed 
First, lay out your supplies and cover where you will work.
Next, put your ruler down with it on top of the paper, one edge of the ruler touching the papers end. Take the pen and mark that line and cut it
Then, measure halfway, for me it was 6 inches, and mark that and cut it.
You should now have two equally sized peices of paper. 
After that, take one and cover it with the painters tape, laying it down in diagonal strips side by side. Pull off every other peice of tape and cover with moge poge
Now cover the visible area with moge poge, then glitter.
Peel off the tape.
As you can see, the tape removed some of the color of the cardstock. That's completely fine, and also kinda a part of this DIY. Cover that area with your paint.
It should look like this 
Cover with moge poge and you are done!  On the right I also did another one with just glitter and painters tape.
This is super simple and I hope y'all love it! 

Also, sorry it's Tuesday and not Monday, but I really was just swamped yesterday:( but hey, I love this so yay.



Some people think fandoms are limited to books only *cough*breigh*cough*. I'm just kitten! Anyway, people suppose fandoms are only on a book topic and I am here to inform you about that.

I just realized I make a lot of informal posts.... oh well

Really I'm just gonna talk about types of fandoms lol

1. Music Fandoms

Some popular fandoms include 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, The Vamps etc... But a music fandom can be whatever you're into. Whether you love Elmo's World, or Nirvana, any fandom can be any, generally.

2. YouTubers

Popular fandoms include Tyler Oakley, Our2ndLife, Zoe Sugg, and many more. Can even be a YouTuber with like 13 subscribers. If you like their videos then they can be a fandom if you want!

3. Shows

Sherlock, Supernatural, American Horror Story, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time. So many. Maybe the supernatural interesting attraction makes you cry and laugh. But, that's a fandom.

4. Movies

Movies? Really? Star Wars, Star Trek, The Avengers... I don't mean book movies, okay. (well, the avengers is a comic... oh well)

That's all I could think of. But, anything or anyone you love, a media type thing can be a fandom.

bye frendz :))))))


Monday, September 8, 2014


So hey guys it's Breigh and this is my first BBT, Breighs Book Tags!
Side note, Macy, I believe I do think that fandoms are not restricted to books for the fact that I am in most youtuber fandoms. Mmmkayyy;)
Let's get started:)

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Yes, I like reading on my bed. Like, alotttt. I honestly think that being swarmed in blankets with a good book is the absolute best thing ever. And just being swamped around pillows, is just about as bliss as it comes.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? 
Neither, actually. I am really more of a fan of dog earring. Yes, I know, I am a librarians nightmare.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or certain number of pages?
I can just stop, I don't need to finish a chapter. Well, it's pretty funny actually, because I will always say like "just one more chapter!" When I know I can stop anytime I want to.

4. Do you eat or drink while reading? 
Usually no, because as I said above, I almost always read on my bed and I am terrified of spilling crumbs on there. Sometimes of I'm in public or just about to die of hunger, but I just HAVE to read till the end.

5. Do you watch tv or listen to music while reading?
No, because I just like my peaceful time. If I am in class, and the teacher is playing music, I can read through it, but I prefer not to. It just depends. Although, while writing this I'm listing to music:) I also do while doing homework, but rarely. 

6. One book at a time or several at once?
I get really frazzled if I am reading multiple books at once. I am right now and it stresses me out:(((

7. Reading at home or everywhere?
Everywhere. For sure. I don't put my book down for just anyone.

8. Reading out loud or in your head?
Always my head. Fun fact: one of my top pet peeves is people reading aloud me.

9. Do you ever read ahead/skip pages?
Sometimes if I haven't started a book, I will kinda flip through. Other than that, nope. Some of these questions are like really short haha

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Breaking in the spine for sure. I like the look of a well loved book:)))

11. Do you write in your books?
No, unless it's for school, then I might highlight. I do though, book mark the pages with my favorite quotes.

Alright guys that's it for todayyy 
{smileeeee today!}


Monday, September 1, 2014


So hey guys it's Breigh and this is your 411 on the words you should know today!

Ex: "Her old age didn't change her pluchritudinous look."

Ex: "Oh, it was just a small little taradiddle."

Just the first definitions example:
Ex: "Me and Emma osculated last night😏"

Well thanks guys for reading and as usual I love y'all, and have a nice night!:)