Saturday, August 30, 2014

Book Talk

Friend 1: Hey have you read {insert some book here}?
Friend 2: Yes! Omg I died from the feels in the book! It ruined me
Friend 1: Do you remember when so and so did so and so?
Friend 2: Omg yessss!
Friend 1 and Friend 2: book talk book talk stuff you do not understand feels what is life fangirling omg dead whaaaat
You: wat

Do you ever find yourself in a state where you do not understand what anyone is saying? Suppose you are reading a Direct Message on Instagram or reading a Tweet on Twitter. Words like feels, fangirl, or anything like that. Today, I am here to show you some UD definitions and some of my own.

fangirl (n.)
a female fan, obsessed with something (or someone) to a frightening or sickening degree. often considered ditzy, annoying and shallow. [source]

basically that means a girl is obsessed and won't stop talking about it/them.

the homerow keys. used to describe your feelings at the moment, especially when you don't know how to express them. [source]

it really means you can't express your feelings when a character dies, etc.

feels (n.)
when something emotional happens, and it is hard to express feelings; slang for feelings

all i have to say is; sorry for spoilers

what is life? (phr.)
1. when a character is unbearably beautiful
2. when something tragic or something unexplainable happens
eg: omg! he died? WHAT IS LIFE?!

fanboy (n.)
a rare breed or opposite of fangirl; a male fangirl

Okay, that's honestly it, have a good day, and yes I am posting on Saturday... do not judge the Macy

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