Monday, August 11, 2014

Books: The Overall Rundown

Ok hey guys it's Breigh, and I kinda just have to let this all out. As you might be able to tell, I am a fangirl. Quite frankly, I feel like people get this idea of a fangirl/ fanboys COMPLETELY WRONG! I say this because I think that a lot of people think that we are just crazy and our obsession for these things, wether it be people or books or bands or anything else of that sort, to be "just a phase" ok ok ok stop. There are TONS of adult fangirls/fanboys and sure on our deathbed we most likely won't be whispering "Tobias marry me!" But that doesn't mean that those people, those books, those bands, those sleepless nights spent reading or listening or looking up fanfictions, will be forgotten. Those are the things that I, and we as a community of fangirls, have built our childhood and teenage years doing. And you know what? When I'm forty with a job and a husband and kids, I will be telling my family about those few books, and band members, and youtubers, and television shows and whatever else, that changed my life. And changed it for good. I really don't think that it's just a phase. I think it's so much more than that. 

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